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STB Live@Sounds of Summer

Columbus Soccer Complex, Columbus, MS

The dudes will be home for one night only, with special guest Zac Ashmore

What's new with the band...? 

I get asked this a great deal: What's new with STB?  Well, the short answer is...a bit of this, a bit of that....

The long answer is, however...well...longer. After Ides of October (Oct. 2017) we saw a significant upswing in the amount of shows we booked, and we sort of rode that out for an entire year...just enjoying the fun of playing. Additionally, I found myself in the role of brand-new husband and stepdad to a family with 4 teenage short-people (children). Oh, and my new bride apparently likes OTHER kids, too. These even shorter short-people, to whom we have no express responsibility, flock to our house in droves to dance on the ashes of my sanity. Every other weekend there is what appears to be a small Cub Scout camp going on in my den...toy trains, weird 'educational' board games, crying, pooping(verb), and some weird cartoon about insane and seemingly immortal rabbits.....our local juicer's kid thinks it's the funniest thing ever. 

As you may have guessed, though, I love it. We have two out in college now, and that leaves the other two at home for me to deal with. Fourteen(her) and seventeen(him), they make a feller fantasize about an extended Asian tour sometimes! But we always hang together when we can, and I am proud to be associated with them. The man/child is 6' 4" or so these days, and seems to believe he is no longer a short-person. The Baby Girl, for such is her title, is threatening to join me at the six foot mark, but still likes to be carried by whomever is available.  Add in the one responsible for my plight (the new bride I mentioned), and you'll agree that I have plenty to be getting along with. I tell the family all the time....I'm a dad, and I love this job :)

But my other job is important, too. It's my job to play music. Much like my Dad job, this job is one that I deeply love. It has it's own little family; Ed, the professor and our own personal music teacher; Shawty, the heart of the band and the coolest of cool; and you guys....the fans and friends we have made are a blessing not easily expressed in words. But we always strive to express our gratitude in our shows and through every song we write. We want our music to help you when you need a pick me-up, and to reach for you when you need a hand up. We rejoice in your happiness, and we sympathize with your suffering, and we hope you can hear that in our songs. So, we will of course be eternally working on that. The next months will be filled with work on our 3rd album, and we are excited to show off the tunes we've built for you in the last year. We've been sneaking in a new song here and there at our recent shows, and the response has been exciting. We'll be trying to keep this album a bit lighter in tone, and we plan to record it live. Ambitious? Yes. Crazy? Perhaps. Fun?!!?....damn right! So, have a great summer, love on your loved ones from me, and for goodness sake.....send me some tequila....

Shane Tubbs


Ides Of October 

So, the second album is done. Fifteen songs, all original. We call the album "Ides of October", a turn of phrase on the 15th of October...the day the band lost Melissa Tubbs, our Muse. We dedicate this album, indeed, our whole body of work as a band, to her.....


And to all of you. We love you, and love makin' y'all smile. So that's what we're gonna do, as long as you'll let us. Stay tuned for release info, and come celebrate with us on Oct. 13th at our release party at the Columbus Arts Council....

Y'all comin'? :)


Shane Tubbs

Get Local. 

Remember that song you heard that made you realize the world turns to the sound of music? Ok, maybe it wasn't THAT serious, but it was profound, I'll betcha.... 

Well, that song (and the thousand you've loved since) was created by a person. A living, breathing human who knew that everyone but him may very well hate the tune, and that was fine in their opinion. They were from someones hometown, and they had the support of those local fans to carry them through the times of learning, and to share in their triumph in times of success. My area, your area, all areas have unheard-of talent lurking in the shadowy spaces...waiting, hoping that someone will come out and see what direction the art is heading. 

Get out there and find them.





Fun year.... 

Twenty seventeen has been an epic year so far, and we're barely into it. We've had some great shows so far, but now we are a bit bummed as we wait for Shonda to heal up from her recent knee surgery. Ed and I can carry it off, but we'll be much happier when we get our beats back. However, we are working hard on our new album, and we'll be rationing out a song or two at each don't miss out!

Great album review.... 

As we begin arrangement on our new album, we land a solid review from Harry Kaplan at Twangri-la, "country music utopia"! Read the full article at their site...

"Very nice fusion of country and blues. Welcome To The Show is country blues extravaganza..."

Cheers, guys!


And....we're back.... 

It's been hard, losing our anchor and Muse Melissa 'Wife' Tubbs. Hard, of course, barely touches the reality of our pain. She loved this band, which she basically created with her will and belief that STB was worth something to the world. Shane's first guitar, first open mic's, first gigs, first original songs, and first album were all obtained by the love and drive of Wife, who always knew how happy it made him, long before he did. You can't imagine how much we owe her. Our entire way of life has been about her, and for her. And now....she's gone on....

It has crushed us. Buried us beneath a falling sky of despair so complete that it should easily have finished us....but it won't.

The anchor is gone, but we have learned to sail by her example. Over the years, she fought kidney failure (twice), heart disease, Shane....and even at her last hours she still had a laugh and a smile for her love. We can do nothing but what she told us to. Get on with it. Live. Laugh. Love again, if you can...(she really told him that).....
And play. That was her favorite part....the playing. Play.....there's a reason we call it that. It's fun. It always should be, especially when it's all you have to hold onto. Play, play til the tears come, til they choke off part of the lyric, til the solo comes to tell you how bad it truly

So this is our promise. WE. WILL. PLAY. We will play harder than ever before. And, I swear to you, we will make her proud to be, forever, our Muse.....#Wife

Music is a job.... 

This week STB headed across to Tuscaloosa, Al to do an interview with J.C. Bryant, a promoter/music lover with an online show. Sounds like fun, right....

Well, it was fun. Our buddy/producer Kevin Waide rode with us in the 'tour bus', and hung out off-camera during the interview. It was great: we played, we talked (mostly me), and we had many a laugh. After an hour or so, we headed to a club in T-town to play an open-mic set for some friends of ours in the area. Shonda and Ed were taken on-stage almost at once, as the drummer and bass player had been playing for over an hour. They played for some of the other artists, then for me, then for Kevin(who was a big hit with the crowd), THEN for everyone else. All in all, they played about 2 1/2hrs. We left there about 11:30. Now for the kicker. Ed, Kevin, and I had worked 8-10hrs EACH before we even went to AL. No one complained (til now, I guess:). No one seemed bothered by the time.
We just wanna do work....

Summer Fun! 

The gangs all here!
After a couple of weeks to refresh, STB is back on the rehersal floor for a big summer of shows.  Parties, clubs, and events for the next couple months, culminating in a BIG return to one of our favorite festivals, Prarie Arts in West Point, MS.  Keep an eye on your newsfeed, or here on our site for news!!!

Album is Released! 

We had a huge turnout for the release of 'Welcome To The Show', and we were so glad to see each one of you, our fans. Keep a listen out for our next show near you, and please, tell your friends about your new favorite band.

CD Release/June 10th@RAC, Columbus, Ms 

Greetings from the rehersal floor:

STB is gearing up for our big release party on June 10th at the Columbus Arts Council, Columbus, Ms. The doors will open at 7pm, and the show starts at 7:30 with bluesman/songwriter Kevin Waide! Then....get ready for the SHOW! The band will be playing the whole album for you, and after, you'll get to mingle with the whole group! Beverages will be sold, and be sure to pick up a record!

Y'all comin'?


STB is a rockin' country blues band from east Mississippi, and this band is ALL about the music. Shane Tubbs fronts this eclectic group of killer musicians, made up of Shonda 'Shawty' Williams on percussion, and 'Cornbread' Ed Swan on bass and back-up vocals. Their signature sound, groomed in the south, has traveled the country looking for  Heavy groove, killer vocal range, and deep life-lyrics; these dudes will show you the love, loss, and extraordinary beauty of every soul. Pick up their new record, "Ides Of October", available right here on our site, or anywhere online! Join our email club and get all the latest news, shows, and fun adventure stories from the upcoming tour. Like us on Facebook, Follow us on Twitter and Spotify, and stalk us in Columbus, Ms!


Free download! Just join our mailing list:)

Our email newsletter brings you all our upcoming gigs, studio work, or new material. Keep up with the dudes, and be the first to know about new work!!!