And....we're back....

It's been hard, losing our anchor and Muse Melissa 'Wife' Tubbs. Hard, of course, barely touches the reality of our pain. She loved this band, which she basically created with her will and belief that STB was worth something to the world. Shane's first guitar, first open mic's, first gigs, first original songs, and first album were all obtained by the love and drive of Wife, who always knew how happy it made him, long before he did. You can't imagine how much we owe her. Our entire way of life has been about her, and for her. And now....she's gone on....

It has crushed us. Buried us beneath a falling sky of despair so complete that it should easily have finished us....but it won't.

The anchor is gone, but we have learned to sail by her example. Over the years, she fought kidney failure (twice), heart disease, Shane....and even at her last hours she still had a laugh and a smile for her love. We can do nothing but what she told us to. Get on with it. Live. Laugh. Love again, if you can...(she really told him that).....
And play. That was her favorite part....the playing. Play.....there's a reason we call it that. It's fun. It always should be, especially when it's all you have to hold onto. Play, play til the tears come, til they choke off part of the lyric, til the solo comes to tell you how bad it truly

So this is our promise. WE. WILL. PLAY. We will play harder than ever before. And, I swear to you, we will make her proud to be, forever, our Muse.....#Wife